
[VR doodle] VR resume

By August 1, 2016 No Comments

CV/resume in VR

I came up with this concept while playing with Tilt Brush to create a narrative in virtual reality. Unfortunately due to my flight back to Tokyo, I had only one night to sneak into my friend’s office after-hours and pull it off. It’s not the best and most polished up model, but hopefully gets the story across.

Storytelling in VR

The concept was to invite the viewer to walk around the flower to view four main sections which was guided by arrows. The rose itself symbolizes growth and the sections were: 1) Childhood, 2) Agency, 3) Traveling to Japan, 4) Contact. I started off creating the rose and built on top of it and since Tilt Brush allows you to walk through your creations, there are some little hidden things hidden inside and throughout.

Work in Progress screenshots


– Staff picked on Sketchfab
– VR Scout
– Mashable
VR Inside